Some webcomic news for Sunday morning:
- T Campbell has a post on micropayments, triggered by the announcement of the pending shutdown of Bitpass, a micropayments service that never quite seemed to take off. (Tech blog Gigaom also notes Bitpass' passing.) There were heated debates over micropayments at Comixpedia although in the last year or so with the current trend away from subscription and micropayments models we haven't discussed it quite as much.
- John Batelle who wrote a book on Google and manages advertising for several high-profile blogs ponders how to better capture value from readers who arrive via search. All of this post seems to me to be potentially applicable to webcomics.
- Webcomics in Print takes a quick look at the new Boy On A Stick And Slither book. Although I haven't seen the book I have seen the webcomic and BOASAS is deceptively clever – beyond many of the strips being simply funny at first read, there's a lot of ideas slithering under the surface.
- Kelly J. Cooper asks "if you are self-employed, how do you organize your day?" A good question to ponder for many webcomic creators who are self-employed or wish to be some day.
- The Kea's Nest points out an Everything2 article on webcomics called "Webcomics and the democratization of the media".
- The new Woman's Work collective now has a group blog at the site.
- This is an interesting idea – send in your offhand sketches to David Malki! (creator of Wondermark) for his new project Scraps of Crap.
- I used to read this back in the nineties but had forgotten about his site. If you're a fan of comics Comics I Don't Understand is an entertaining site. He primarily focuses on comic strips (although I think he accepts nominations to consider). It's a simple concept – he posts comics that don't make apparent sense and the readers offer serious to snarky explanations.
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