The Wormworld Saga on the iPad

The iPad app for the digital comic Daniel Lieske's The Wormworld Saga is now available for free in the iTunes App Store. An Android tablet version is currently in development. The Wormworld Saga is an episodic graphic novel designed for tablets. Unlike traditional graphic novels, each chapter is digitally painted on a seemingly infinite canvas, providing an immersive reading experience that draws the reader right into a fully realized fantasy world.

The Wormworld Saga follows the life and adventures of Jonas Berg, who at a young age enters a parallel world through a forgotten painting in a dusty attic.  “Inside the Wormworld, Jonas finds indescribable wonders, new friend, love and hate, good and evil and he reveals his family legacy, which makes him become a central figure in an epic conflict that shakes the Wormworld and drives it to the brink of it’s destruction” says Daniel Lieske.

Produced by digital publisher Robot Media, the app for The Wormworld Saga allows readers to experience it the way it was meant to be read: the app provides better image quality and scrolling performance than the web version, and uses a seamless touch interface for reading.  Keeping with the spirit of the web edition, the app itself and the main narrative are available to everyone for free.

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Comix Talk for Friday, September 24, 2010

The week is slipping away… I'll probably update this post later today but here's the AM version:


DEAD TREES WALKING  This story on the future fate of DC Comics is pretty plausible — I'm not sure how likely it is, but doesn't it seem like something a big conglomerate like Warner Bros would easily consider.

WHERE SHOULD I BE?  Erika Moen explains the pros and cons of Portland.

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Comix Talk for September 16, 2010

Wow I was completely zapped by three days of con-mania this past weekend.  In any event, I've posted some photos, my first "live" interviews – well first I've recorded and shared with peoples like yourselves. I've got a few more to edit and post — hopefully by the end of the week along with a convention-report style wrap-up.  There's been a lot of posts on SPX (Tom Spurgeon's round-up of such posts is here).  I missed the panel there with Richard Thompson, creator of the best new comic strip in recent years — Cul de Sac but moderator Mike Rhode posted the audio from the panel.


Warren Ellis posted a little blurb about ideal digital format and pricing for comics.  There were some recent posts about the current price of monthly comic books pamphlets floppies 32 pages with staples thingees lately — prices have gone way up and that format is really not a cheap buy for entertainment anymore.  Digital comics could be.  Webcomics surely are — free is the ultimate sampler price.  I also missed posting about the speech on this future for comics that Mark Waid gave at the Harvey Awards ceremony — Waid followed up with a blog post containing a more polished version of the speech here — it's well worth reading.


David Willis — who I got to meet at Intervention — launched his brand spankin' new Dumbing Of Age webcomic.


John Allison writes that he's going to stop posting Bad Machinery as a webcomic, but instead turn towards finding a publisher for it.  Presumably to put out a print version that would help it to find more younger readers? 


Co-creator Eben E.B. Burgoon writes that the 3rd anniversary of Eben 07 was this month plus they have a 3rd print collection out, titled Operation: 3-Ring Bound. To celebrate, they're holding a contest for a $20 amazon gift card & the line art of a celebratory anniversary poster drawn by D. Bethel  — anybody that comments on a comic during September will be entered to win.


El Santo writes a round-up of attempts to chronicle the history of webcomics including T Campbell's series on it here at ComixTalk.


  • Charles Cutting wrote to let us know that the Illustrated Ape website is hosting the first installment of his webcomic The Dream Quest of Randolph Carter. The next episode will be posted as soon as it is finished (Cutting says hopefully no later than November the 1st).
  • J.T. Yost debuted some new mini comics at SPX including It's Dream Time, Snoop Doggy Dogg.  I got a review copy and hope to have a review up later this month.  I interviewed Yost at SPX — it's part of the 5 interview video here.
  • Stan Wojohowitz wrote that he's launched a new webcomic after 18 months of development called The Psychotic Episodes.  It's about characters exploring issues of psychiatry and mental health.  The first issue, including related blog posts, seems to be about mental health issues for U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
  • Stefan Strasser writes out with a different pitch for his webcomic, "Most webcomics start out with a lavish update schedule and then cut down the number of new strips during the course of time. Chicken Wings is now going the opposite way. Starting this week, the comic will update three times a week instead of just one.  Chicken Wings is a comic aimed at aviation enthusiasts and about a bunch of chickens working in a small aviation company.

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All New ComicSpace

So while I was still thinking about what I should write on my last day of posting here, I noticed that ComicSpace had got itself a makeover. They've upgraded the whole system from whatever it was before to Wordpress. The transition wasn't exactly seamless; they're still working on the kinks. Some data seems to be lost, some displays weirdly. If you have a ComicSpace page, it might be a good idea to stop by and clean up your profile now. (If you're like me, you haven't done that at least since the makeover started a week ago.)

You do remember ComicSpace, right? A couple of years ago (2006),'s Josh Roberts created the site, aiming for a "MySpace for comics". For a while, it seemed like the place to go if you wanted to connect to other comics people (or, more to the point, webcomics people). Personally, I lost touch with it over time, although I was very interested when Webcomics Nation's Joey Manley announced a merger of the two site families (including, Modern Tales and others) in 2007. The sites still haven't merged, although they're all part of the same company, E-Line, now. So much about the history. So what has changed?

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Webcomics in Germany

In my first post, I called webcomics in Germany “a fringe experience”. If that makes it sound like there isn’t much going on out here in terms of webcomics and that we’re a little behind on things, I can assure you – about half of that is exaggerated.

It’s not like we don’t have good and popular webcomics. Quite a lot, actually, including several Internationally-known titles. If you’ve been around in the scene, you might well know Arne Schulenberg’s superhero photo comic Union of Heroes, Sarah Burrini’s semi-(if you don’t count the talking mushroom and the jazz-loving elephant, or maybe, what do I know)autobiographical Life Ain’t no Pony Farm or Sandra and Woo by Powree and Oliver Knörzer (which makes it only half-German, actually – Powree is from Indonesia). Maybe you remember demian5’s ‘Classic’ When I Am King, from way back when Infinite Canvasses were all the rage. (Actually, demian5 is Swiss. But when I say ‘German’, I usually mean the language rather than the nationality. It’s really a small scene as is.)

If you’re looking for new German-language titles, Das Webcomic-Verzeichnis is a good place to start. It lists more than 200 titles, both old and new, cartoon and long-form. You might also want to check web 2.0 platforms like MyComics, toonsUp and Comicstars.
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Review: Family Man, by Dylan Meconis

I’ve never bought into the notion that “the eyes are the window to the soul.”  Sure, they play a role in reading a person’s mood or opinion, but if one were to ask me what facial feature is most revealing, I’d say the mouth, no question.  There’s a treasure of information to be read in the tension of a person’s lips, the crook of a smile, the skewing of a jaw.  By comparison, I just don’t think eyes have that much to say.

Dylan Meconis is working hard to change my mind.

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Comix Talk for Monday, July 12, 2010

Your post-World Cup comics report (start your planning for Brasil 2014 now!).

iWEBCOMICS: Comics Worth Reading has a round-up of some of the digital comics reader programs out there now.  She picks Comixology as the industry leader to date, based largely on its embrace of handhelds and wider selection of comics.

INTERVIEW: Sequential Tart has an interview with A. David Lewis, creator of the webcomic Braveplay.

DEAD TREE:  Brian Fies, creator of the comics Mom's Cancer and Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow? writes some advice about what to do when getting published.



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Comix Talk for Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Intervention Convention in Washington DC

I really cannot believe THE MAN is making me work during the World Cup.  I think in the spirit of the World Cup, I'll just use OLE in every sentence today (sort of like this NSFW new sketch from SMBC Theater).  

I haven't talked about INTERVENTION in a bit — that's a new convention in the DC area this fall created by Harknell and Onezumi – both ubercool and long-time friends of ComixTalk.  This looks more and more fun as it develops.  They just opened up registration for Artist Alley — you have until June 18th to get your application into for review.  The pricing (if I'm reading this right) is $50 for an artist alley table and you also need to purchase a con membership for $35. Total cost therefore for Con weekend with a table being $85.00.  As for me, I am going to be doing various things there in an official ComixTalk kind of role and will announce more when I get it sorted out!

Code: A link to a post from Frump a developer of ComicPress Pro for Wordpress comparing it to the Inkblot webcomic package for Wordpress.  I don't link to this to encourage any drama, but comparisons are needed to understand the real differences between these packages.  This post is purely about the number of mySQL queries which can be pretty important for performance issues, particularly with a site with a lot of traffic.  Frumph doesn't seem to have considered some of the cache plug-ins for Wordpress, however, I wonder if that would have any impact on the comparative number of queries per page per package?  

iWebcomics: So this whole Apple playing net-nanny with apps for the iPhone and iPad?  Well there's probably a valid concern over technical performance, Apple certainly has an interest in ensuring a minimum of glitches from its app store.  But content… there's the rub.  Apple CEO Steve Jobs said recently that the iPad offered "…freedom from porn."  Well is this porn?  On the other hand, for all of the fuss over Apple's app censorship, there is a completely uncensored application on the iPad, the browser, and there are a growing number of competitors like Google who will probably pursue a more wide open approach to their app stores.

UPDATE: Brigid Alverson has an interview with the creator of the webcomic Ulysses on Apple's decision yesterday to allow the uncensored form of the comic into the app store (originally Apple had required significant editing of the comic).

Around the Blogs

FROM THE MAILBAG: I got an email from Gabriel Dunston who makes the webcomic The Pit of Despair.  He's got a video on his site explaining how his current financial issues are keeping him from buying art supplies.  Sometimes when I know someone (or have known of them) and they're trying to raise some money I plug it here because I personally feel like it's a good cause — either the person is in a bit of tight spot or it's going to lead to some great comics.  I can't say that here as I don't know Dunston and this is the first I've heard of him, but he's definitely working hard on his webcomic.  I didn't have time to read the full archives, but here's  the basics: a journal comic about a 20-something guy who just became a father and the art has GREATLY improved in 2010 over 2009.

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Comix Talk for March 16, 2010

Longbox Digital

iWebcomics: The Beat had an interview this past weekend with the CEO of Longbox, the comics application on the launch of the public beta for the applicationUPDATE: Bleeding Cool has an early review of the Beta.

MILESTONES: 1000 White Ninjas can't be wrong.  Wait that didn't come out quite right…  how about 1000 White Ninjas and Runnin' or maybe "I'd walk a thousand miles… if I could just see a White Ninja.. Tonight."  Eh.. I got nothing…

REVIEWS: El Santo reviews Xylia Tales.

BUSINESS: The Daily Cross Hatch blog talks to Box Brown about his Kickstarter fundraiser.

THEORY: Dr. Visual Linguist, Neil Cohn, is running a survey  — help him out by filling it out. (h/t FLEEN)

TOOLS: Comic Space 2.0 Beta invitations still available.

PLUG:  Zip and L’il Bit by Trade Loeffler returns with a new story, The Captain’s Quest. (h/t Art Patient)

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More Comix Talk

Wondermark: Dapper Caps and Pedal Copters by David Malki!

A few more stories worth checking out today:

JUSTIFY SOME HYPE: Comics Alliance has a preview of David Malki!'s new Wondermark book — Dapper Caps and Pedal Copters.  It's been great to see Malki!'s success with the Wondermark books from Dark Horse Publishing.

INTERVIEWS: An interview with Mike Russell of the alway funny webcomic Culture PulpCulture Pulp is non-fiction, usually taking on a movie or an event in the Northwest.  And Von Allan gets interviewed — his graphic novel (which used to be serialized on the web at Girlamatic but I don't see it there now) is The Road to God Knows.

BUSINESS: An article on epublisher WOWIO's excitement about the iPad.  I'm excited about the iPad too, but given WOWIO's history I am going to wait and see what they bring to the world in terms of product and contracts before spending too much time reporting on their revival.

ALWAYS BE PREPARED: Webcomic Marketing has a list of items to put in a convention travel kit.  It's a really  good idea to have a check list before leaving for a convention.

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