Comic-Fire! Round One: Pierce Versus Millikin

Political comics have an impact that goes beyond the fiery editorial or the emotionally-charged photograph. The triple threat of humor, visuals, and commentary come together to create work that makes a powerful impression on its reader.

Given the strength of the medium, why don’t more webcomics tackle the political cartoon? Most webcomics have their political moments, usually when the comics creator is irritated or inspired by a particular issue and uses his characters as mouthpieces. But few invest in sustained plotlines involved in and characters motivated by politics ala Doonsebury or Boondocks.

In the next several weeks, we’ll be looking at a few issues – some near and dear to the hearts of comics-creators everywhere – through the webcomic lens. We invite you, the readers, to vote on which comic persuades you to its point of view. Or, maybe, which makes you laugh harder. Your choice. Enjoy.

THE PARTICIPANTS: Justin Pierce and Eric Millikin

Justin Pierce
Eric Millikin

ROUND ONE QUESTION: Should Artists Take Full Advantage of the Web When Creating Webcomics?

Pierce: Greatness Does Not Rely on Infinite Canvas Alone!

Millikin: The Web Will Inspire Great Art

Justin Pierce

Eric Millikin

Cast Your Vote For Your Choice Here

Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.