Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.


  1. Sure, T! Here ya go.

    The other 9 are: http://www.angrynakedpat.com, http://www.artbomb.net/comics.jsp, http://www.reallifecomics.com, http://www.scottmccloud.com, http://www.americanelf.com, http://www.highwaterbooks.com/jordan/archive.html, http://www.mnftiu.cc, http://www.smallstoriesonline.com and http://www.penny-arcade.com.

    The blurb specific to PV reads: “Hosting a variety of talents, PVComics truly has something for everybody. From Amy’s Suitcase, which takes a fun look through the eyes of a girl getting ready for a big date, to Yirmumah!, with topics as side-splitting as George W. Bush hiring the A-Team to find Saddam, you’ll find your online fix.”

  2. Derek Kirk Kim, not David Kirk Kim.

    Wizard’s lead time is such that the change probably occurred well after that issue had been sent to the printers.

    And, um, hey, look at that small, unobtrusive text link down there on the bottom, right-hand side of Derek’s new website — lowbright.com his hosted by webcomicsnation.com. Hmmmm…

    /cheesy grin

    Congrats on the press, PV!


  3. too bad it wasn’t in the actual magazine though.

    /cheesey grin.

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