Hero By Night Publication Suspended

Hero By Night by D.J. Coffman

D.J Coffman explains in his blog that he has stopped work on the Platinum published comic book, Hero By Night, because of "financial issues at our publisher".  Hero By Night issue #4 apparently is partially done but won't be released on schedule because the colorist, Jason Embury has also stopped work on it.  The "financial issues" are not explained but it does appear that Coffman and Embury were not getting paid at all or on time by Platinum for recent work on Hero By Night.  Coffman suggests the possibility of taking Hero By Night the full webcomic route but doesn't seem to have made any decisions yet.

While Coffman seems to emphasize a continuing good relationship with Platinum (he seems to indicate future projects to come with the publisher) I can't imagine this news about the 2006 Comic Book Challenge winner will be good for the 2008 Comic Book Challenge contest.  Just last week Platinum changed the rules on its contest to allow entrants to pitch via video (instead of making the trip in-person to San Diego, CA) and extended the deadline from May 31st to June 14th.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.

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