Keenspot Cribs

Every weekday, Greystone Inn offers readers something extra. Today is the premiere of a new Greystone Extra feature: KeenCribs!

KeenCribs offers a look inside the studio of a different Keen creator every Friday. Today, the Crib of Schlock Mercenary’s! Howard Tayler is on display.

Marvel at Howard’s drawing table! Gasp as he introduces the 50-year-old rabbit-skin toy koala. Shudder at the crack in his Harvard Law School armchair!

The other Greystone Extras include:

Mondays with Mel. Keenspot’s only interactive comic strip. Compete against others to provide the best punchline and win cheap Greystone swag. Updates every Monday. Deadline for submissions is Friday of every week.

Comic in the Classroom. Treat yourself to comics by grade-school children learning to create comics. Every Tuesday and Thursday.

Wednesday Webtoon Trivia. Ten interactive multiple choice questions based on knowlege of comics published on the Web.

KeenCribs. Take a peak inside the studio of your favorite Keen creator. Every Friday.

And, of course, the comic strip updates Monday through Saturday. Coming up: Spotlight on Lightning Lady and a two-week Buffy the Vampire Slayer tribute.



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