Webcomics VS Dead Trees, Round XXXII
Since I’m fully in agreement that comics are comics (let’s all get beyond "webcomics" and comic books" etc) — a few interesting dust-ups between cartoonists who GET the web and those who resent and fear change. FLEEN calls out alt-cartoonist Neil Swabb on some ill-advised words and Neil apologizes. Interesting comments to the FLEEN post too. Questionable Content creator Jeph Jacques has the final word for now as far as I’m concerned — read his smart and funny response to Neil here.
Sean Kleefeld has an update on the Platinumized Wowio. Wow – hard to believe it’s been a year since Platinum took over Wowio… but it has been. Sean has a back and forth with Brian Altounian of Platinum in the comments.
Brad Guigar has a "to-do list" up at webcomics.com with lots of ideas for the new year as well as some needed nags for most cartoonists (like "Start gathering receipts, invoices, records and other information for tax prep….")
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