Comix Talk for Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Vermont has named James Kochalka it's Cartoonist Laureate.  At first glance this struck me as an oddity, a grafting onto a centuries old tradition of the poet laureate, BUT the more I've had the notion sit with me, the more think there's something to it.  As a medium, I would argue the potential for comics is tremendous, particularly in the this age of a video and image-savvy population.  Supporting a cartoonist along with or instead of a poet would arguably have the potential for a much greater impact on society at large.  Coverage at The Beat, Center for Cartoon Studies, and The Comics Reporter.

SUPER ART CONTEST: Scott McCloud links to a Google Doodle contest — he'll be one of the 9 judges.  Details are here – the deadline for registration is 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time (PT) on March 2, 2011 and all doodle submissions must be postmarked by March 16, 2011 no later than 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time (PT). I imagine there may be some submissions to this contest from my kids.

SUPER ART FIGHT: A wrap-up of the recent SA9 battle royale results.

BUSINESS: Indigo Kelleigh links to The Illustrated Section, which offers digital comic downloads for sale.


  • PW has an interview with Tatsuya Ishida, creator of Sinfest, on the publication of a second Dark Horse print collection of his comic. Ishida is impressively reclusive in this tweetin' social media world we live in.  I tried (not all that hard really) to get an interview with him in the first couple of years of ComixTALK and struck out everytime.
  • Mike Rhode interviews Steve Conley.  Conley is working again on his webcomic Bloop.

Pluggity Plug Plug


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.