Comix TALK for February 9, 2011

Hey! Christopher Baldwin's Spacetrawler book is now available! It looks great.  I hope you're already reading this entertaining science fiction story on the web.  I wasn't sure how it would work when Baldwin started, but he's managed to incorporate a lot of his past themese with relationships, motivations, and morality into what is a really fun, rollicking adventure story.

iWEBCOMICS: The Beat covers Diamond's announcement of its new digital comics program and its partnership with iVerse.

REVIEW: Tangents reviews Faith Erin Hicks' Adventures of Superhero Girl.


MAILBAG: Jonathan Murdock writes, "Hello just promoting my webcomic Dungeon Hordes." Okay – consider it promoted! 🙂


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.