Comix Talk for March 15, 2011

So first things first. As part of research for a secret, I-may-not-even-get-off-my-butt-and-build-it project I've been looking for reviews and reviewers of webcomics. Scratch that — reviews and reviewers of any comics that are also available on the web (so I'm counting reviews of book collections of webcomics too).  There's not as much as I thought, unless I'm just not doing a good job of looking.  I've probably reviewed more books than digital comics recently so I'm not helping things much myself but if you have a source for reviews of webcomics you like please let me know, I'd like to check it out.

INTERVIEW: CBR has a great interview with Richard Thompson of the wonderful comic strip Cul De Sac.  It's a good introduction to the strip.

HYPE: It's another promote-your-webcomic thread at Warren Ellis' Whitechapel forum.  Always a good place to find new comics worth checking out..

WEBCOMICS: Matt Seneca's essay on webcomics compares the first generation of web-native comic artists to similar shifts in comic history (strip to pamphlet, pamphlet to graphic novel) and looks at Dash Shaw's BodyWorld and Blaise Larmee's 2001 as examples of webcomic growth.

MARS NEEDS COMICS: Robot6 flags books from two Mars-based comics Free Mars and The Martian Confederacy: From Mars, With Love.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.