Smack Gets New Floors

After a tumultuous beginning, The Floor by Eric Lindgren finally finds a place to settle… and remodel!

During it’s first quarter in existence Eric Lindgren’s, ‘The FLOOR’ moved a total of four times, making its readers begin to wonder just where they would have to go next to read the weekly jabs at retail. Now it has a home as well as a new coat of ink and color for it’s trip into the second quarter and beyond.

Initially the pencil-rough strip was posted at Drunk Duck until the host for that site was hacked (twice) and ultimately had to shut down. When the first incident occurred the strip was moved to the Lindgren Cartoons home site and a search was immediately launched to find another host for the strip.

Gutterfly Comix was chosen as the next recipient of The FLOOR. The small community seemed quite happy to recieve the relatively homeless strip and all seemed to be settling down. During this time, Drunk Duck re-emerged as another host to continue with.

Then, in the space of a weekend, the Fly got a swat and the Duck lost its nest as both sites suffered once again from hacking problems. After re-evaluation of the situation, Gutterfly decided to close its doors. The Duck on the other hand found itself wandering aimlessly looking for its nest when it was offhandedly announced by the Duck’s host that the host no longer existed and the Duck, bottles of booze and all got its late eviction notice.

About a week after Gutterfly guttered out, The FLOOR found itself a new home on a small host named Smack Jeeves, (, and finished out its last month of its quarter trying to establish its presence.

While doing so, The FLOOR received several suggestions and pleas to ink and color the strip. Beginning today, Dec. 23rd, 2005, The FLOOR begins its second quarter in full regalia of ink and color presentation. Additionally, the strip will ignore any pretenses of newspaper layout and let each strip define its own layout as the art and humor determine.

The (NEW) FLOOR may now be seen at http://thefloor.smackjeeves/comics/ .

