Livin’ For the Webcomics

Yirmumah tackles the most important issue facing America today: the next American Idol.  (I’m rooting for crazy grey-haired guy too)

And apparently, the nasty feud between west coast toonist Boxjam and east coast toonist Case Yorke has ended.  Peace out y’all!

And lots more webcomics news after the jump!


I believe Creatures in My Head creator Andrew Bell is having a gallery show of his work in New York City today.   Kudos to you good sir!

The Pulse talks with Scott Kurtz and Aaron Williams about their new comic book Truth, Justin and the American Way.  The Pulse also highlights Chuck Whelon’s excellent webcomic, Pewfell, and Mark Palmer’s action saga Rumf Adventure.

You might also want to check out Tom Nguyen’s tutorial on drawing arms.  Pretty informative with some helpful pictures. 

So Wapsi Square has always been a very bubbly, hip relationship comic and Paul Taylor has created a complex world of supporting characters around central figure Monica, but in the background have always been these magical bits about ancient powers and entities.  The current storyline seems like it might actually shed some light on what this has all been about.

Fleen talks up the relatively new strip Nothing Better and it’s combination of online and print publishing.

Cat And Girl comic generator.  Roll your own edition of the hipster scouts.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.