Shaenon has a plug for Platinum Grit on her website – it might be described as Three's Company plus Narbonic actually. It's roughly about a guy who's part of a clan of highlanders (perhaps The Highlanders…) with a mad scientist uncle and a loony aunt. And there's two hot girls. One might be a sociopath. But it's mostly really funny and often sexy. The art is a perfect complement to the storyline and often quite stunning.
I think creators Trudy Cooper and Danny Murphy originally created most of the archives as comic books and later moved it to the web via a flash interface (which does allow for easy clicking through panels). By showing you a panel at a time you do get to see the art crisply but I suspect something's lost in not seeing the pages as they were originally composed. In some of the early issues I also thought there were some poorly executed transitions in the storyline but that's about my only major complaint.
Definitely worth checking out!
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