The Gathering… of the News!

Eric Millikin: Fetus-X Returns to Serializer.netFinally, the impending return of Serializer – the art comic outpost in the Modern Tales kingdom – is near (Eric says end of October). This would be the last of the MT sites to return after server crash/upgrade issues. A partial list of the artists on the roster for the relaunch include:

  • Nick Bertozzi, Drop Ceiling
  • Patrick Farley, Apocamon: The Final Judgement
  • Matt Feazell, Amazing Cynical Man!
  • Renée French, micrographica
  • Merlin Goodbrey & Douglas Noble, The Rule of Death
  • Tom Hart, Hutch Owen
  • Eric Millikin, Fetus-X
  • Casey Sorrow, Feral Calf
  • Joda Thayer, Few and Far Between


Joystiq, a popular videogame blog has a weekly poll on its readers favorite webcomics. Naturally these are all gamer webcomics but I was surprised to see in the most recent poll that Press Start To Play is essentially tied with Penny Arcade in popularity and another webcomic I hadn't read before, Fanboys In Love, was in third place.


SPX Update: Jeph Jacques (Questionable Content) will be sharing a table with Malki (Wondermark). Fred Grisolm (Hate Song) also will be there.


Andy Bell (Creatures In My Head) is having a launch party for his Zliks toys on Friday 13th in New York City.

Good news at the Fortress of Dumbrellatude: R Stevens is looking for help with his t-shirt n' swag shipping empire.

Exciting tasks include folding t-shirts, filling orders, counting things, moderate computer use and discussing the paranormal at length. Perks include being away from the general public and occasional free goodies. Also, money.


We're closing in on NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and like others I am thinking about giving it a try this year…

Funny, but this was exactly like a lot of my sports practices as a kid. Only for baseball…

Subtlety, thy name is Willis


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.