Form is Function by John Barber

Form is Function

Mother Earth speaks, in Her low, rumbling voice: What the world needs now is another Internet column about comics.

Not for the first time, the world turns its eyes to John Barber.

And it is to you, My People, that I give myself.


It’s taken me an inappropriately long time to realize and admit this, but… the most important thing about comics on the Internet is distribution. I realize that’s not exactly news to most of you. Continue Reading

“He Said She Said”: The Art of Review by Damonk

Everyone’s got an opinion on whether something’s good or something sucks. Be it literature, movies, steak tartar (tofu tartar if you’re vegetarian), video games, wine, webcomics, or even video games based on a webcomic about wine, someone’s going to give some sort of opinion on it, whether you like it or not.

In a world where personal lucre is limited and so many products and services are pricy luxuries, one cannot just blindly purchase items and hope for the best. Even going to see a movie is an expensive investment, and most people can’t afford to plop a Ten-spot on something they’re going to sleep through.

Enter the Reviewer, a useful time and money saver, the (sometimes self-appointed) voice of the common consumer. Continue Reading

Herkules Rockefeller’s Zombie Hunter, reviewed by Matt Trepal

Out of the deepest, darkest shadowy recesses of the human mind they stumble, shambling horrors dressed in tattered clothing and dripping gobbets of rotting flesh. They are the embodiment of our ancient collective fears of the dark, of death, of what happens after. They are the dead who walk the earth. No, they aren’t your in-laws, nor those little identically-dressed girls that try to sell you cookies. They aren’t even Pauly Shore.

They are zombies. Continue Reading

Damonk Interviews the Interviews Editor???

As another in a a special series of in-house interviews rolls around, Comixpedia Editor-in-Chief Damonk has his way with Leah Fitzgerald, the Interviews Editor, while her snuggle-pookie and Art Director, Bill Duncan, watches helplessly from the stands. Fitzgerald, an ex-journalism student who now works full time for (*GASP!*) a Canadian newspaper, has been with the Comixpedia since its earliest planning stages, and probably wonders why she hangs around with the rest of us freaks. She speaks here about herself, her life, the universe, and poutine.

Some serious and silly situations abound. Continue Reading

Flamefighting by T Campbell

"Campbell Campbell Campbell!" the thread screamed at me, flaring a red "angry" face at the top of the message board.

It was late. I was tired and sleep-deprived, and we had just officially begun the War on Terror, but I tried to steel myself for whatever the message might have to say. I tried, but not hard enough.

"I would have thought that the last story would have been enough to get him to put down the pen forever. I guess not." Continue Reading

An interview with the Art Director Bill Duncan by Kelly J. Cooper

Bill Duncan is ComixPedia’s Art Director and Staff Doodler as well as the creator of Monster Hollow, Japanimation Fist, and other work. He is a Canadian, and an avid reader of comics on the web and otherwise. He has been a dishwasher, tree-trimmer, projectionist, translator, reporter, editor, and teacher, and thought he might like to be an art director for awhile.

Bill likes to write and draw and spend time with the Interviews Editor who says she will marry him someday (if he’ll just stop doodling long enough). Much of what he doodles ends up in the dunktank. Continue Reading

Damonkey Business by Damonk

Draino for the Brain

Ever have those moments when you can FEEL a major gushing feeling inside, as if your brain and soul bladders were ooze-bursting with those five pitchers of creativity you just chugged down last night while watching some TV show, reading a good book, or being out on the prowl with your posse?

Knowing that the dam’s gonna blow anytime, you rush over to your desk, pull out a sheet of instant paper porta-potty (or perhaps you’re more of a Windows WordCrapper 2000-kinda person), unzip your mind to whip out your “ballpoint”, and then…

…nothing comes out.

Welcome to the painful condition known as Creative Constipation. Continue Reading

I Hate You All by Dalton Wemble

Gaming Comics: Child’s Play!

The scuttlebutt is, last month there was quite a tizzy in these august pages over a few reviews of some sub-simian nerdlaff generators called "Gaming Comics." I, sequestered in the Cave of Bitterness, came in rather late – after the Big Crash – but was told by the breathless wonders that inhabit this site that some not-entirely-positive reviews of the not-remotely-good comics Cornhole-Arrgh-Delight and Litigious Gamerz drew thousands of ireful comments from their so-called "fan community."
Continue Reading