Belfry Comics offers a Keen Feature to Monitor the ‘Space Server Status

For those who are tired of not knowing when the Keenspace servers are up or down, the folks at Belfry Comics have created a special “Keenspace Uptime Tracker” that actually pings the Keenspace servers to see how fast the response is, or to note if there’s any response at all.

While this may not solve the problem of downtime occurences, or give any hints as to when the downed servers may come back online, it will at least let both readers and Keenspace creators know if it’s just their own favorite webcomic that’s experiencing technical difficulties, or if it’s a Keenspace-wide outage.

The tracker seems to report every 15 minutes, so the info is always very current and very reliable.

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I Hate You All by Dalton Wemble

A Farewell to Paws

Okay, I was going to get into this big thing about the point of this column, and politely explain that how it's just great that all webcomics creators are supportive and friendly and sloppy kisses all around but that the medium's ability to self-criticize is completely eroded by everyone's reluctance to piss anyone else off…but screw it.
But that would take an awful long time, so here's the deal:

Webcomics can, on occasion, be a good read.

Most of the time, though, reading webcomics is like being locked in a coffin with a rabid, amphetamine-crazed monkey in possession of (a) a taser and (b) the total and unerring knowledge that your groin is responsible for every ill that has ever befallen any member of the monkey nation. Ever.

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How To Write Romance in a Webcomic by Meaghan Quinn

I’ve been watching a lot of westerns lately, and my favorite so far in terms of "watching over and over again until I know the lines by heart" is easily Tombstone, with Kurt Russel sporting a fantastic moustache. After watching a movie, particularly one with a self-congratulatory "making of" feature, I like to search around for old reviews to see what other people thought of it. Consistently, what I came across for this particular movie was one particular complaint – the romance was distracting, not well done historically or otherwise, and just plain bad. This rocked me back in my seat. I LOVE the romance! Sure, it’s just a little side part and distracts from the main story, but isn’t romance itself just a side part of our lives and a distraction from the mundane? Continue Reading

Accept No Imitations… of Neil B

On his web log site,, the work of journal comic designer Neil B. may seem sparse in quantity. The quality of such minutiae, however, has established him as a truthful and thoughtful writer among fans and critics. Born and raised in Pennsylvania by Indian-American parents who emigrated to the States before he was born, his web log could be considered a chronicle of events in the life of a young gay man, as he is such, but more to the point, says Neil, is to extract the “universal in the specific” and appeal to a general audience, both gay and straight. Here he makes a strong case for such in this interview with the Comixpedia: Continue Reading

Young Bottoms in Love by Tim Fish et al., reviewed by Damonk

Who needs to drink like a fish when you can draw like one? Tim Fish’s little webcomic corner of our universe certainly goes to great lengths to bring a whole new meaning to the term "Bottom’s Up!"

Young Bottoms In Love, a short story webcomic anthology site that updates weekly, focuses wholly on gay love, relationships, and of course, implied or "tastefully"-depicted soft-core snuggling. Continue Reading

Juxtapose This!: A Tale As Old As Time…

A Tale As Old As Time…

So I wake up this morning, and my webcomic is still asleep. No problem, I think. Let it get a little sleep. It’s been working hard, what’s the harm of a few extra hours of shut-eye for my hard-working little darling? So I crawl out and go for my morning run (which, by the way, I only go on because I have repetitive stress injury from drawing and typing – but, you know, these are the compromises you make in a good relationship).

When I get back, it’s still sacked out, so I throw together some breakfast, figuring it’s probably my turn, anyway. I’m pulling the last piece of toast out of the toaster when, sure enough, my webcomic straggles in. Continue Reading