A Bit of the Webcomic Stuff for Friday, December 18, 2009

Wow – almost the end of 2009 already?  Posting will be lightly lite like for the rest of the year here at ComixTalk.  

Can we just call it the year of Kate Beaton?  There’s almost zippy chance that I’ll be doing one of those "People of Webcomics" articles again this year, but if I did I can’t imagine not including her near the top.  Along those lines, Comics Alliance picked her book Never Learn Anything From History as its "Best Webcomic Collection" for 2009

The big news on small screens this week was the launch of a comics store for the Sony PSP handheld.  I don’t have a PSP myself, but here’s Gizmodo’s review of the Marvel comics reader for the PSP to give you an idea of it.

The Comics Riffs blog is asking its readers to pick the best comic of the decade.  This is the Washington Post’s "comics blog" so its readership is probably heavily skewed towards fans of newspaper comic strips and it shows in the nominations for a lot of newspaper comic "veterans" like BABY BLUES, BIZARRO, DILBERT, DOONESBURY and SHERMAN’S LAGOON.  But they also have the three best new(er) newspaper comic strips in there: GET FUZZY, PEARLS BEFORE SWINE, and CUL DE SAC.  Weirdly enough they also have one webcomic: GIRL GENIUS.  Weird not because GIRL GENIUS isn’t worthy (it’s a fantastic comic) but because I just can’t imagine how that is the one webcomic that most appealed to this crowd.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.