In Search of a Webcomics Dictionary
This month, Kelly J. Cooper spends some time pinning down the words we use to describe webcomics. Words properly pinned, she next looks for what turns out to be a fairly elusive target: a webcomics dictionary.
This month, Kelly J. Cooper spends some time pinning down the words we use to describe webcomics. Words properly pinned, she next looks for what turns out to be a fairly elusive target: a webcomics dictionary.
Another installment in Kelly J. Cooper’s quest for webcomics enlightenment. This month, Kelly discovers comics criticism and consults the work of R.C. Harvey.
You’ve got your standard Motif and then there’s your Leitmotif. You look like a Leitmotif type to me. What’s it going to take to get you into a Motif today?
Join Kelly J. Cooper for a new column where she explores this thing called "literary criticism" and how it applies to webcomics.
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