So here's a good question worth a think. Salon just let Reuben Bolling know it's canceling it's contract for Tom The Dancing Bug (which apparently means This Modern World is the last comic at Salon?) Tom the Dancing Bug is a smart, funny comic and the question now is — what's the business plan for Bolling going forward? Seriously, if there's one cartoonist who I would volunteer time to help brainstorm and execute a new business model for, he'd be on the short list.
Penny Arcade Expo: Hope PAX East was awesome. I'll jealously read the reports trickling in today as attendees tell their tales of brushing against the PA crew and breaking into spontaneous nerdcore beatboxing in the hallways. In honor of the recent PAX East here's a link to Geekosystem's Top 10 Most Obscure PA characters.
Also, the Penny Arcade crew announced they would not be making a third installment in their videogames series but you can still read Macgasm's refresher review of the first two episodes of On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness here.
OTHER CONVENTIONS: In other con news, I'm still trying to make sure my schedule allows me to attend, but it looks like Rob Balder of Erfworld will definitely be there. Where? At Intervention of course. And don't forget the Comics Events calendar for dates for comic conventions and other events.
Milestones: Gordon McAlpin finished Book Four of his Multiplex webcomic. This comic has gotten better and better — McAlpin does the character-driven material as well as the movie-driven stuff.
REVIEWS: El Santo reviews Evan Dahm's Rice Boy – it's another example of why El Santo is one of the best reviewers in comics right now. (My review of Rice Boy is here.)
INTERVIEWS: Sequential Tart has an interview with Rene Engstrom, creator of the completed webcomic Anders Loves Maria.
Opinion: I'd rather have Tatsuya Ishida on the editorial pages than most working editorial cartoonists. Ishida is at least as opinionated as 3/4 of them and his art runs laps (MULTIPLE FREAKIN' LAPS) over all of them.
iWEBCOMICS: Johana Draper Carlson talks about Alex de Campi’s Valentine comic, particularly the effort de Campi's making to bring it to multiple platforms simultaneously.
AROUND THE BLOGS: Last week, Howard Tayler had a great post on ideas and their value in the world – worth reading still. And Tom Spurgeon lists the webcomics suggested by readers of his site, The Comics Reporter. Not a bad list…
THE MAILBAG: Jason Whitley wrote to alert us to the return of Sea Urchins, which apparently used to be a newspaper-only comic (there's a book collection of these available here). The comic is by Whitley and Scott Eckelaert, but so far there's not much in the way of comics up on the website.
NOT WEBCOMICS: I've still only read one Scott Pilgrim book, but the trailer for the movie looks like great fun.
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