Gone for a Week – The Catch Up On Everything Post

Did anyone realize that I was gone for a week offline and asleep at the beach? Well I’m back.

Lea Hernandez (girl-a-matic patron saintess) and others chat it up in a Ninth Art article.

Found a copy of McSweeney’s Quarterly #13, edited by Chris Ware. This is the comics issue and it’s a must have. I’ll post more when I finish it but it is a revelation so far.

Went to Borders (where I did not find the McSweeney’s) and bitched to the manager about dumping all the graphic novels in one poorly maintained section. Why not shelf comic book with “word books” under the appropriate subject matter? I don’t think the guy gave a shit actually but he blamed it all on corporate. So perhaps a letter writing campaign to Borders and B&N and all the other graphic novel carrying chains is necessary.

Good post from Joey Manley on Work for Hire versus Creator Owned work. One thing I think worth mentioning is that Manley’s post doesn’t venture beyond books. That is to say most people would think of creator owned books as more artistically valuable than WFH. This doesn’t hold up in other creative endeavors. Plays, movies, music all have a more varied history of artistically meritorious WFH efforts.

If you missed this catch the NY Times article on further cost cutting in the newspaper comic strip biz.

Everyone seems to be talking about Peter Bagge’s latest webcomic attacking “fine” arts and public funding of high-culture art.

And last but not least for now – Sean Collins of Attention Disorderly seems to have landed a mysterious new gig which will preclude him from blogging about comics. That’s a bummer for me, I enjoyed his writing on comics, but congrats to Collins. I hope we hear from him again.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.