“The Jewel of the Nile” is a weekly comic about a deer named Jewels and is now in it’s fourth season. “Season,” you repeat to yourself in an unsure tone? Okay, here’s how it works:
Every 20 “episodes” (aka; a “season”) are approached in completely different styles. The first 20 were cut and paste search engine photos, the second group were simple vector illustrations, and the third season were D&D inspired scroll drawings. Now into its fourth batch, Jewels the deer and Co. are sporting live actors in costume. To add to this radical shift, each comic is a series of animated frames rather then the standard static frame grouping.
The new Jewels is actually a man in an elaborate stuffed animal costume, adorned with a giant teddy bear head punctured by a pair of deer horns. His companions for the next several weeks are Kerry, the pink chainsaw wielding, topless biker & Strawberry, a sensitive man with a weak bladder.
The content fits somewhere between hilarious and bizarre, shedding any hint of story this time around in exchange for raw, random humor. One episode might be a touching story about a deceased pet, while the next is an elegant passage equating heavenly angels to anal leakage.
The Jewel of the Nile is updated every Monday morning over at Boyarm.com
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