New Tart Issue Out Plus Other Wizard News

Sequential Tart posted its August issue. There’s a review of Get Your War On and an editorial on the recent Wizard World Atlanta flap. Coincidently, the New York Times has an article on Wizard World magazine (thanks to TCR for that link).

I also picked up from the Tart boards this release on DC Counter Culture Fest, which takes place later this year in Arlington, VA. The festival is a venue for do-it-yourself creators of all types to promote themselves and their products, whether it is comic books, zines, novels, artwork, music, movies or fashion. (full press release after the break)

The Press Release from the Tart message boards:

Washington, D.C., is synonymous with granite, marble and limestone monuments, politicians and a democratic republic which is at times more republic and at times more democratic. White shirts and stuffy suits, blow-hards and bureaucrats.

But we also create here.

The D.C. Conspiracy, a local comic-creators’ collaborative, will host a D.C. Counter Culture Festival at Dr. Dremo’s Taphouse in Arlington, Va., on November 12, 2005. The festival will be a venue for do-it-yourself creators of all types to promote themselves and their products, whether it is comic books, zines, novels, artwork, music, movies or fashion.

Tables for the event are free, but you must apply for them in advance. Tables are limited and we want to ensure that we have a healthy mix of cultures, products and interests represented. For this reason tables will not be assigned on a first come, first served basis; accepted applicants will be chosen solely at our discretion. If you are interested in presenting, or want further information, please send an email to with your name, number and information on your product by October 1st.

The tentative schedule for the show will be:

3PM-4PM Table Setup

4PM-7PM Table Promotion

7PM-9PM Film Screening

9PM-12AM Live Music

We look forward to hearing from you and hope this can be the start of something big. For further information, please go to

More on the D.C. Conspiracy (DCC):

DCC was founded earlier this year by a group of local comic creators. They meet once a month at Dr. Dremo’s to drink beer, discuss comic-book art, exchange book-making techniques, create jams, you name it. The group has grown to include cartoonists, writers, editors and fans. Our first collaborative book, the Dr. Dremo anthology, will premier in September at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD. For more information on the DCC, visit

More on Dr. Dremo’s:

Located at 2001 Clarendon Blvd. in the Courthouse section of Arlington, Dr. Dremo’s ( has been a favorite watering hole for many D.C. area residents for years. Built from a gutted car dealership and never compromising its image for the sake of the up-and-coming neighborhood, it is the ideal venue for the festival.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.