Quick Look at Tweep. It is Charming!

Maybe I need to add a romance genre category.  Tweep would fit right in.  It’s a simple story about three flatmates, and flirting and high spirits.  It has a coffee shop and a record store.  And a bunny (and one that doesn’t swear, drive or wield knives either).

I’ll give the creator Ben a little business to start with – no cast page?  There’s a lot of archives now (the strip stated in 2003) – make it easier for new readers to get their bearings.  There is a lot in the archives but I read them in two sittings and it was a good read with some slow but definite character development and lots of little "moments" – not all humorous, some just nice little beats with the characters and their attractions with each other.  (The one time Ben made a wrong turn in the archives is a lengthy time spent in a tv show starring rabbits that the main characters are watching.  It’s not his best work and it is completely irrelevant to the rest of the webcomic.  You’re fine with skipping that part.)


The roommates are Jack, Kate and Milton.  Milton gets a job at a coffee shop to meet Julie and a lot of the plot is about their meeting cute and leading up to real date between them (we haven’t gotten there yet).  But as we go along we learn about Kate, who is an artist and who gets Julie into photography.  We also see Jack who’s a bit of a nerd slowy realize he has a lot in common with Julia’s hyper workmate Lily (that’s Jack and Lily above).  And there’s Kate’s bunny.

The art seems to simple at first but over time I think it has worked well – there are often moments where the art really does convey the tone of the particular strip exceedingly well.  And the art (which seems vector-based to me – anyone know for sure?) is consistent!  And varied!  It’s nice when a strip can do both.

I’d write more but this isn’t a real review, okay?  But do check it out. 


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.