The Daily Cartoonist is a good blog, but clearly a good chunk of its audience is fairly clueless about webcomics and the web as a distribution/publication system. A short but sweet post about R. Stevens impending launch of Diesel Sweeties in newspapers is met with the kind of whiny, defensive reaction I haven't seen since Wiley versus Scott Kurtz until Rich Stevens himself shows up and leads the counterattack:
I won’t argue the rest of your points, but there’s a million or more people doing looking at my comics every month without any kind of major media backing. When you can say that about your own stuff, you can make blanket dismissals of six and a half years worth of comics.
After that a much more interesting discussion continues. The Daily Cartoonist also promises an interview with Ted Rall on Diesel Sweeties and webcomics-to-syndication coming soon.
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