The 2004 WCCA Planning Committee Needs A Few Good (Wo)Men!

A message from the WCCA (Webcartoonists’ Choice Awards) chairman, Mark Mekkes:

First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone in the webcomic community for being a part of the 2003 Web Cartoonists’ Choice Awards. Some truly great comics were recognized and rewarded for their wonderful work this year. Every vote and every contribution helped make this year the best one yet.

But we’re far from being done, folks – we’re already on the way towards making next year even better. As always, the WCCA tends to generate a lot of discussion and debate in a variety of forums and lists, expressing thoughts and opinions on how it should be done, and what can be done to make it better. Some brilliant ideas are always bounced around, and with the right kind of commitment and energy, will raise our process to an even higher level of quality.

However, in order to follow through with those ideas we need active and creative people to be a part of the awards process. We need those voices in the forums to come sound off WITHIN our committee. We need to HEAR all your intelligent ideas and suggestions.

We need YOU to join the planning committee for the 2004 WCCA.

One of the basic foundations of the WCCAs is that it has been – and always will be – run and organized by the webcomics community as a whole. Moreover, while anyone involved in producing a webcomic is eligible to participate in both the event voting as well as the planning committee, we also encourage those who are not webcomics creators but who ARE dedicated, passionate supporters of webcomics to join the committee, too! So those serious readers and critics with great ideas on how to help better the event, you can join in and help out the community you so love!

It should be noted that participating in the planning committee *will* disqualify you from taking part in the nomination round when the voting starts. However, there is an incredible sense of accomplishment and achievement in seeing the awards grow and evolve, and to know that you’re a part of it. And that should be more than good enough, right?

If you’d like to be a part of this team, please contact either myself – Mark Mekkes –( [WCCA Planning Committee Chairman], or Damonk ( [the WCCA Registrar].