Kleefeld on Fandom

Sean Kleefeld is one of the few new comics bloggers I check out regularly.  His recent piece on comics fandom is interesting – here’s an excerpt:

But what Understanding Comics has showed me — a point which I didn’t realize before — was that I had been a fan of superheroes whose exploits were frequently delivered in comic book form, and not comics themselves. It was quite a revelation for me at the time (you might say it was like I was struck by a bolt of lightning) and it marked a very clear turn for me to actively seek out good comics not just good superhero stories presented within comics.

In my research at the time, I was discovering, too, that many fans experienced similar transitions. Not necessarily from reading McCloud, but from reading some comic that suddenly opened their eyes to the possibilities beyond what they had been reading. Not everyone experiences it, naturally, and those that don’t are the ones who primarily read superhero books and don’t care for "art comix".



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Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.