The current storyline in Melonpool ventures into Checkerboard Nightmare territory targeting the Melonpool webcomic’s supposed “low audience numbers” and the cast trying out various tactics to bring in new readers. A little different subject than usual but Steve Troop gets a lot of mileage out of this familar trope (is this technically a trope?). And he manages to work Websnark, Comixpedia and Digital Strips into this one. And I see today that strip got mentioned by Comixpedia, Websnark, and Digital Strips.
ShamelessInnovative marketing does work sometimes…
Like heck it does, I’ve mentioned Comixpedia several times and still not gotten a mention! *wink* (teasing!)
Though that’s probably due to the fact I’m a reviewer, and not a popular cartoonist. *grin*
I must say though. It’s absolutely amusing that Steve’s gotten mentions from all /three/ sites he mentioned. I wonder if he really expected that…
Rob H.