Publisher Devil’s Due announced a partnership with Kevin Spacey’s Triggerstreet.com for webcomic competitions at the Triggerstreet.com site. Stephen Cristy from Devil’s Due compared it favorably in terms of financial rewards and creator freedom to the DC Zuda site.
The Platinumized Wowio is set to relaunch in less than a week (there’s a countdown timer on the site now). Comics Worth Reading comments on the new Wowio business plan (one quibble though – Johanna says "WOWIO worked for everyone: free comics for readers and real payments for creators of 50 cents a PDF download." – well yes, but apparently it didn’t work for the owners of WOWIO very well as it appears they have yet to make any profits)
With all of the Platinum and WOWIO news, I’ve missed mentioning DJ Coffman’s recent "I’ll draw anything for $2" promotion. It seems to boil down to the equivalent of selling sketches at a convention and I’m sure others have done similar things before but Coffman seems to be particularly happy with his effort and its results so far.
AppleGeeks signs with Dark Horse to do a book in 2009. Congrats to Hawk and Ananth.
Everyone seemed to be linking today to this article on webcomics through the Nintendo Wii. Four Japanese publishers are teaming up to do this in Japan.
Laurent Q writes at Panels and Pixels: I’m a french writer (novels and comics-books) seeking artists. Several project accepted by french publishers are awaiting their artist.
Ouch – get better soon Aaron Diaz! (He had a bike accident and got hurt).
Looks like DrunkDuck webcomics site is running an awards program this year.
Last not least: an animated version of the caustic clip-art webcomic, Get Your War On.
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