Leo Hartas’ new book, How to Draw and Sell Digital Cartoons, promises to show how to create professional quality digital cartoons. Topics covered include setting up a digital studio, advice on transforming good graphic ideas into finished work, training the imagination, striving for originality, developing the technique of self-criticism, planning and writing scripts, writing captions for single-frame cartoons, storyboarding, making preliminary sketches on the computer, and mastering line art, color, and 3D techniques. Finally, Hartas offers detailed advice on how to get one’s digital art seen by potential buyers, how to get it published, how to set fees, and the importance of time management and meeting deadlines.
Featured among the nearly 400 illustrations, are examples of Athena Voltaire, the critically-acclaimed webcomic by Paul Daly, Steve Bryant and Chad Fidler. Hartas talks at length with penciller/inker Bryant regarding the creative process, the interaction of the linework with colorist Fidler’s digital painting, scene-setting and more. Lavish full-color reproductions of episodes of Athena Voltaire: The Terror in Tibet accompany the text.
How to Draw and Sell Digital Cartoons is currently available through Amazon and is published by Ilex Press in the United Kingdom and Barrons Educational Series in the United States.
Athena Voltaire is published on the web by Modern Tales and is currently nominated for a Cartoonist’s Choice Award.
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