Bloom Country and Outland Revisited – entire run online

Uclick/uComics is re-running Berkeley Breathed’s entire BLOOM COUNTY and OUTLAND catalogues, plus his 1978-1979 college strip ACADEMIC WALTZ for subscribers. Six daily strips will be offered one day, a Sunday strip the next, alternating back and forth until the entire BLOOM COUNTY collection is digitally back in print.

Details at You might also check the web page.

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Webcomic Communities (Part Three) — Flies in the Forum Ointment? by Kelly J. Cooper

This is part three of a series — be sure to read part one and part two!

There’s something about comics that make people want to talk. And sometimes, just talking causes more chaos and consternation than you can imagine. Between technical failures, heated discussions on controversial topics, and the occasional troll, creators who wish to maintain a community presence may be called on to do much more than just write and draw their comics.

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Webcomic Communities (Part Two) — Interactivity: Fuel for your fave Creator?

In the first part of her feature on Webcomics Communities, writer Kelly Cooper revealed to us the fascinating buildup of history that set the online world up for the next step in reader-creator interaction and reaction.

In this second installment, we get to hear from Kelly as to what’s going on out there as a result. So sit tight, and start scrolling!


A few quick definitions:

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Apocamon: The Final Judgement by Patrick Farley

New Testament APOCAMON: The Final Judgement, a Flash-based webcomic written and drawn by Patrick Farley of e-sheep fame, is kind of tough to describe.

So let's start with the basics.

I have stolen more quotes and thoughts and purely elegant little starbursts of writing from the Book of Revelation than anything else in the English language — and it is not because I am a biblical scholar, or because of any religious faith, but because I love the wild power of the language and the purity of the madness that governs it and makes it music.

– Hunter S. Thompson, Generation of Swine

There are two episodes, "EPISODE 1: THE SEVEN SEALS" and "EPISODE 2: THE SEVEN TRUMPETS" released back in May of 2001.

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Dicebox by Jenn Manley Lee

I found Dicebox by way of Christopher Baldwin's Bruno and had no idea what to expect. Created by Jenn Manley Lee, the webcomic is described only as a "story to be told in four books for a total of 36 chapters that plays out an eventful year in the lives of Griffen and Molly." The rest of Lee's note on the Dicebox "About" page is just as vague, yet intriguing, which will likely leave the reader pleasantly puzzled and curious to learn more.

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Webcomic Communities (Part One): Motivation Through History

There’s something about comics that make people want to talk.

Comics are accessible. Cheap or free, buried in a newspaper or posted on a web page, racked at the 7-11 or stacked in a comic shop, they lure us in with lots of pictures and not so many words. We think quick and easy and that’s how they hook us.

Eventually we begin to feel weird, personal connections to these characters, these sketchbook creations and their complex lives. We start to care deeply about them and what they say, sometimes to praise, sometimes to condemn.

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Checkerboard Nightmare by Kristofer Straub, reviewed by Kelly J. Cooper

Checkerboard Nightmare (available at is a mildly surreal humor comic written and drawn by Kristofer Straub and consistently presented three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).

Straub plays with meta-humor, poking fun at his main character's attempts at trying to create and popularize a web comic. But he also regularly nails other webcomics (and their own attempts at success), webcomic styles and clichés, webcomic readers, and the occasional faddish webcomic trend. Other issues like ethics, the law, and end user agreements manage to slide in o­n occasion as well.

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Movie Comics

Movie Comics is about movies. More specifically, Movie Comics is about the rage you feel when a movie is disappointing or just plain sucks, when an actor turns in a lousy performance, when television is feeding the public particularly awful crap, or when a movie creator sells out his vision (this last is more generally known as "making a sequel").

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