Silver and the Periodic Forces – Ripple Effect!

In celebration of Halloween, Make Like A Tree Comics artists Sara Turner and Jerzy Drozd will launch another episode of their full-color comic, Silver And The Periodic Forces. Episode Two – Ripple Effect will update daily between Halloween and Nov 18th on

Silver And The Periodic Forces is a story of interplanetary battles between good and evil told in the style of the Saturday Morning Action Adventure cartoon. There will even be "commercial breaks" running over the weekends.

Reading the comic in your pajamas while eating a bowl of sugary cereal is recommended, but not required. Continue Reading


Make Like A Tree Comics artists Jerzy Drozd and Sara Turner launch their first full-color comic, Silver And The Periodic Forces, today (March 28th).

Silver And The Periodic Forces is a story of interplanetary battles between good and evil told in the style of the Saturday Morning Action Adventure cartoon. There will even be “commercial breaks” over the weekends featuring guest artists Mark Rudolph of City Yarns and Rhiannon McCullough of Schwartz Krueuz. Continue Reading


Slipshine by Josh Lesnick et al., reviewed by Meaghan Quinn

Let’s say you like television shows about how to cook chicken, because chicken is your favorite food. There are a million ways to cook chicken, and many of them are very basic and ordinary – these aren’t going to be as interesting on television as the unusual ones. You might have a few favorite recipes, but you still enjoy watching chicken be prepared in a different way. What this boils down to is a wacky metaphor for how to approach pornographic comics as a reviewer and not a consumer. Continue Reading