Business Hours Are Over, Baby

I’d just like to take a quick second to thank, Xaviar for the mic this week, and especially you guys for reading.

I’ll say good day on my most cliché, but still best, advice. Being a Wisconsinite it of course comes from the great Vince Lombardi:

The man who succeeds above his fellow man is the one who early in life clearly discerns his objective, and toward that objective he directs all of his powers.

If you want a successful career in comics, it needs to be what you want more than anything else. If it is, I assure you, sooner or later, you’ll get yours.

In the meantime, thanks again for the time, and if you’d like to know more you can visit your local library check out my MySpace page where I blog every Friday on all things related to the business of comics and pop culture. (I’ll have some things on the Chicago con and how ‘Ringo will be missed and maybe some other randomness later today.)

Until next time, do it well internet. Do it well.

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It’s Business, It’s Business Time. Part 4: Make Room For Daddy

Shelf space.

Those are the two words that were the bane of the indie comic creator for many a year. Comic shops and spinner racks are only so big, and unless your comic is Spider-Man or Batman, well, you'd have to fight for space.

It doesn't help that running a comic shop is no fast track to fabulous wealth and their owners have to invest carefully, no matter how much they love the more progressive components of the industry.

Well, with the new indie community existing largely online, guess what? Shelf space isn't something you need to worry about any more, and that, friends, is a good thing. Here, look what I can do:

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

And that total waste of your time was hugely important for a lot of reasons!

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It’s Business, It’s Business Time. Part 3: Longform Comics Need to Man-Up

I was never a fan of newspaper comics. Calvin and Hobbes may have been the first comic I ever read, but once it ended, that was it for me, everything else seemed formulaic and contrived to me with no room for any real artistry. That may or may not be true, but it’s how I feel.

Now, comic BOOKS, that’s another story. Just as Calvin and Hobbes was ending I began devouring X-Men, and Spider-Man and Batman, and it’s where my love of comic comes from, what originally inspired me to make a career out of comics.

Those are the kind of comics I love and the kind of comics I want make, but they’re not dominating the web. Continue Reading

It’s Business, It’s Business Time. Part 2: Are Those Comics In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

[CLICK HERE TO READ PART ONE of It’s Business, It’s Business Time]

Or maybe both?

Today we’re (and by “we,” I mean “me”, but you can totally comment) going to talk about the emergence of comics on mobile devices. Why? Because it’s Tuesday, and Tuesday is the day we talk about comics on mobile devices. Conditions are perfect. (Has anyone figured out I really dig Flight of the Conchords yet?)

Anyway, conditions ARE perfect as the dudes and ladies in tech keep cranking out more and more shiny devices that you can read comics on, or create content for, so click read more, and read some more. Continue Reading


It’s Business, It’s Business Time. Part 1: Welcome to THE WOOOOORLD OF TOMORROOOOOOW

You know when Tim is running ComixTalk for a week it's time for business, that's why they call him Business-Tim.

Internet! How are you? It's me again, your pal Tim. You may recall me from such internetery as,, and Reckless Life. I'm gonna be taking a look at the changing face of digital comics we seem to find ourselves in these days over the course of the week as it relates to stuff I know enough about to comment on.

Today I'm going to take a broad look at what's going on right now and what it means to you. Yes, YOU. So why not click read more and read some more, because I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, aaaaaaaah yeeeeeah, it's time for business. It's business time.

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Heroes Helping Legends This Saturday in Chicago

This Saturday and Sunday in Chicago there is a new event going down called Heroes Helping Legends

The event, as described on their MySpace page is:

Heroes Helping Legends is a Chicago based event that will gather comic book fans and creators together in order to raise funds and awareness for The Hero Initiative (which recently changed its name from ACTOR)and support their mission of creating a critical safety net for veterans of the comic book industry. Continue Reading


To Be Continued…

Alright everybody, I’m out.

Before I surrender the mic, some quick thanks to everyone who read my ramblings this week, Xavier for allowing me to do it, old friends and new for your thoughts in the comments, Joey Manley, Will Simmons, and Tim Pilcher for their faith in me, and especially the man, the myth, the legend, T Campbell, for everything he's done for me. I won't let you down.

If you want to keep track of what I’m up to, I’ll be blogging off my MySpace page from now on, so, you know, check ‘er out.

If anyone ever has any thoughts (for good or ill) on what I’m doing in any of my endeavors, please give me a holler, and in the meantime, like the man says:

I’m always around.

(Though I promise not to bug out to Krypton for five years. Or stalk you with x-ray vision. Okay, PROBABLY not on that second part.)

Timmy D


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It’s Friday! Who Wants to Get Smashed?

So I know what a lot of you are thinkin’

I just figured out what I’m gonna do with the rest of my days, I’m gonna get ME an oversized sketchbook, gain 40 pounds, and be the next Eisner-nominated Graphic Smash super-hit!

Well, I got sour news for you, Jack. IT AIN’T THAT EASY.

So you think you have what it takes to be on Graphic Smash? You have an awesome comic that fits into our focus and demographic, and you need the shot in the arm to your audience that we can give you. You’ve seen the new GS will allow creators to run their comic under subscription, OR for free (and non-exclusive) with ad support, and know, like unto Burger King, you can now have it your way.

Well, alright grasshopper, here’s what you do:

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