Damonkey Business by Damonk

Games of Wit, Battles of Rhetoric, and the Art of ‘You Suck’

Hey you – yeah you with the nose.

You suck.

No, wait. Wait. Let me try that again.

You suck, like your momma on my d*** last night.

No, no, wait. Still not quite right.

You suck, like your momma on my d*** while your gf was giving her a tongue dive.


Now I feel I have successfully refuted your position on Austin’s stance on the Sense-Datum Theory.

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Damonkey Business by Damonk

Damonk’s Own Quickie Personal Webcomic Year In Review

2003. The Year of Stuff. One Year after 2002, and 365.23 Days before 2004.

Backwards, it would be 3002…

…which time-wise, would actually be forwards.

After having been exposed no doubt to the bajillions of other media’s own versions of Year In Reviewstravaganzas, it’s clearly obvious that the one thing you would now crave most would be to hear YET ANOTHER person’s own thoughts on the year.
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We Look at Them Enough… So Why Can’t We Draw Them?

Breasts. They are everywhere. Floating, bobbing, jiggling, drooping, pointing, teasing, taunting, terrifying…



They are everywhere. Floating, bobbing, jiggling, drooping, pointing, teasing, taunting, terrifying…



Breasts have been known to induce confusion in some, inspire discomfort in others, and cause the rest to flee in fear or disgust. Who gets panicked by these, you may ask? Women, mostly. Some men, to boot. But why would a set of human glands be something frightening? How could they, designed for feeding children, and a leading cause for horny (mostly-)male eyestrain, be seen as something scary?

Easy – when they are drawn badly.

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