Ben Gamboa is the creator of Tweep, a comic he's been creating and posting to the web for over five years now. It's about a group of friends who the comic looks in on as they go about their day to day lives. I really like the description offered by Gilead Pellaeon in his review of the comic:
Tweep is a really sweet strip about friends who care about each other, relationships that make sense, and, of course, The Rabbit Detective. And I've gotta say, I'm loving it. It's not as edgy as Questionable Content, it's not as funny as PvP. It's definitely not as dramatic and emotionally charged as Megatokyo. While all of those strips qualify as relationship strips, in them the relationships are the vehicle by which the purpose of the strip is delivered, be it humor or drama. In Tweep, the relationships ARE the strip, and any drama or comedy that arises is simply the result of natural interaction between the characters.
And I don't think that description is intended to damn with faint praise. Tweep is often disarmingly aimless as its characters go about their day, and while the characters do stuff, it's much more about this small clique of characters and their interaction with each other than what they do.
I was really happy to get Ben to do the cover for ComixTALK this month and talk to him about Tweep.
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