I hate throwing anything out but I'm all out of space! Here's a few random items from conventions that I'll mention online as I discard the offline version – maybe the karma will even out for me!
- A mini from Eric Smith about a rat in a dungeon called WinnWein. Doesn't appear to have come to the web but I believe this site: Glimbit is from the same Eric Smith.
- A mini called Zombie Hunters in Space from M.K. Reed. Not sure if this is the same M.K. Reed but if so here's the website.
- A Border Walker sampler from 2001! Wow that's old… In it are Neal vonFlue's picks for Best Webcomics of 2001: When I Am King by Demian 5, The Awful Science Fair by Jasen Lex, and After Days of Passion by Antony Johnston and Ben Templesmith.
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