Combustible Orange Gears Up For Debut on Movie Poop Shoot

Combustible Orange by Eric Vinyard and Frank Gibson is entering its final month before its characters enter the online comic mainstream with their impending debut on

The new strip entitled Action Datsun will focus upon one half of the Combustible Orange duo, Jack Datsun, and will be made available exclusively on the Movie Poop Shoot website beginning in mid-December.

Action Datsun will run on a weekly basis and will be a more storyline based strip that will continue to follow the current “comic page” format that has defined Combustible Orange. The newly redesigned Combustible Orange website will also remain intact, with new comics to be released weekly until the creators get given a dumptruck of money to go write it for Marvel, DC or (sigh) Image. Combustible Orange is also looking forward to a print publication debut in the New Year.

Writer Frank Gibson, residing Auckland, New Zealand’s infamous “Anticow HQ” enjoys writing in the third person for fake press releases. The dramatic rise in self esteem that ensues almost makes up for kids picking on him in high school for watching pro-wrestling.

Artist Eric Vinyard is currently lost in Virginia, where he has since retired to working on his art part-time so he can continue developing his true passion, which is raising sheep. Lots of sheep.

