Comic Creators Phil and Kaja Foglio Will be Interviewed Live on Talk Show The Biblio File

Chris Meadows will be interviewing prolific comic creators Phil and Kaja Foglio on his live talk show podcast The Biblio File. The interview will be recorded live, and will take place on Sunday, January 27th at 10 p.m. Universal/4 p.m. Eastern/1 p.m. Pacific time. After Meadows completes his interview, the Foglios will take questions from the call-in audience, and questions can also be submitted via the contact form at

The interview will focus on the Foglios’ decision to cease publishing print issues of their popular comic book Girl Genius in favor of posting it for free as a webcomic: why they did it, and what effect it has had on the comic’s popularity. Also covered will be such general questions about the Foglios’ other body of work, including "Buck Godot" and "What’s New With Phil & Dixie," as the Foglios have time to answer. Listeners are invited to call, chat, or write in with questions of their own.

Phil Foglio was raised in New York, and attended the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago, Illinois. He won two Hugo Awards for Best Fan Artist in 1977 and 1978, but is best known in gaming circles for doing the strip "What’s New With Phil & Dixie" for Dragon Magazine in the early 1980s. He illustrated the MythAdventures fantasy novels by Robert Lynn Asprin and has created work for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and First Comics.

In the 1990s, he married Kaja Foglio. The Foglios submitted art for a number of collectible card games including Magic: The Gathering and Shadowfist, and published several series of comic books including Girl Genius and Buck Godot. In 2005, they decided to abandon publishing individual issues of Girl Genius in favor of publishing it as a webcomic with trade paperback collections. They are also republishing old issues of Buck Godot and What’s New With Phil and Dixie as webcomics.

The Biblio File is the live call-in talk show hosted by Chris Meadows via the TalkShoe podcasting service. The focus of this show is books and the publishing industry. Guests and audience members may call in by ordinary telephone or Voice-Over-IP and participate in the discussion, as well as share comments by text-based chat. The show can be streamed live or downloaded as an mp3 podcast after recording ends. In prior shows, Meadows has interviewed authors Diane Duane, Sharon Lee, and Steve Miller regarding their use of the "Storyteller’s Bowl" publishing model, conducted a lengthy interview with author Peter S. Beagle about his career and works, spoken to Mercedes Lackey and Steve Libbey about their podiobook podcast "The Secret World Chronicle," and interviewed P.C. Hodgell about her Kencyr novels.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.