Comix Talk for April 29, 2010

Webcomic Charity

Are you reading Comix Talk thru The Geocities-izer? It's a tool that promises to "make any webpage look like it was made by a 13 year-old in 1996."  Ah good times…  Hey, a warning — the posting here by me is going to be pretty sparse until the end of May.  I travel more for work now and life just gets busier every year (I'm better at taking on new activities then retiring existing ones).

GOOD DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP:  Yamino, creator of Sister Claire has started Webcomic Charity.  The charity is asking webcomic creators to create a postcard design, of which they print 10 limited editions (or more, if they like.)  There will also be one "general" postcard compiled from the combined artwork of each artist. (More info on this later.)  It looks like they're voting on which charities to donate raised monies to now. 

REVIEWS:  The College Voice offers a mix of webcomic mini-reviews recommendations.  Actually the rest of today's post is a mix of plugs, so off we go:


Brett Donnelly writes: I do a webcomic called Weird, Green Cat. I've been plugging away for about a year and some months, now, and while I've acquired a small audience, I could always use a little more exposure (who couldn't?).  This is a funny comic and more importantly, Donnelly is pretty good at making comics – the writing is crisp and the art is solid and he has a decent sense of putting it together.  There's no storyline here — it's a humor comic, with lots of fun at the expense of superheroes, animated characters and other icons of pop culture.  Go check it out!

Ryan Pagelow wrote to us about two of his webcomics. Buni is a tragic weekly comic about a hopelessly optimistic bunny that fails at everything he tries. It was selected as one of the 10 finalists in the Comic Strip Superstar contest hosted by It is almost Perry Bible Fellowship-esque.  And his other comic is Pressed, a daily comic about a newspaper that's not dead yet and trying to survive in the twittering blogosphere.

I also got a note about Exile a digital graphic novel — to be honest it's not clear from the website whether purchasing the novel lets you read it through your browser, or a download or some kind of interactive application.  The art in the previews on the site look good; the story is described as a future in which convicted felons are not locked up in prison cells, but rather sent through a portal off the face of the planet.


Nick Douglas, former Gawker and Valleywag scribe, and Twitter Wit author, has started a new webcomic called Big Damn Deal about a nascent online internet e-web venture in San Francisco.  Looks like fun – worth checking out.


I don't normally like to plug or write about comics coming at a date off in advance but heck, these folks (Dave Pauwels and Nicolas R. Giacondino) wrote such a nice note.  They have a new webcomic debuting in July called The Sisters Grimm – but you can check out a poster for the comic at the website now.  The comic was pitched to me as "Hard Day's Night meets Total Recall" and follows the exploits of a young garage band ON MARS and their attempts to avoid becoming embroiled in an impending Martian civil war.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.