Good morning world. The Cranky Old Gnome blog offers an essay on webcomics called "Critiquing Free Content". (h/t Paperless Comics):
It got me wondering–to what extent can free content like a webcomic be criticized? How much does the audience have a right to expect from the artist, and when do they cross that line?
iWebcomics: Paperless Comics has more reactions to the iPad announcement last week.
INTERVIEWS: Growly Beast has an interview with Gitte Tang Jensen of B.I.B.L.E. and Forbidden Planet has an interview with Daniel "Merlin" Goodbrey and his collaborator Sean Azzopardi on their comic Necessary Monsters.
VIDEO GAMES, VIDEO GAMES, VIDEO GAMES: Congrats – the 2010 Game Developers Choice Awards are honoring Jerry, Mike and Robert of Penny Arcade, Inc. with an Ambassador Award for their Child's Play Charity work.
AWARDS: SPACE handed out some awards and Ryan Dow won in the webcomics category for Introspective Comics.
REVIEWS: Delos reviews Urban Jungle by David Willborn, "a gag comic which mostly covers cubicle humor but also has geek humor, tech humor, animal humor, pokes fun at comics and talks about issues and culture without being preachy."
JUSTIFY MY HYPE: Sailor Twain or the Mermaid in the Hudson by Mark Siegel. (h/t Scott McCloud); and David Lasky draws the ULTIMATE GRAPHIC NOVEL (in six panels).
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