Comix Talk for Friday, July 16, 2010

The Sisters Grimm webcomic

It's just one of those quiet news days (watch, right after I post, something HUGE will happen…).  Have a great weekend!

MC HYPE-Z:  The Sisters Grimm webcomic starts today with a schedule planned for weekly updates on Friday.  Writer Dave Pauwels describes it as "The comic is your average adventure-comedy-political thriller-space rock opera.  Set on Mars, in the year 2339, it follows a garage band and their exploits against a backdrop of Martian civil war."  The webcomic is drawn by Nicolas R. Giacondino, who lives in Argentina – his Deviant Art page is here

VIDEO GAMEZZZZ:  Cameron Stewart reveals that he and Karl Kerschl and writing and drawing a new comic miniseries for Ubisoft, based on their hugely popular Assassin's Creed videogames. 

PR0N: Erica Henderson explains in a short comic why 3D porn may not be such a good idea (SFW actually).



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Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.