Command Line Comics reaches its 200th strip (whoah!)

Command Line Comics, the longest running ASCII comic, reaches its 200th strip, and its author shows no signs of fatigue, so, if you feel like it, go read o­ne of the weirdest things the Internet has to offer. (both in english and spanish!)

And, as if that wasn’t enough, you can always check out Pepius’ other comic, Capital City Chronicles, superheroes as you’ve never seen before!



  1. I’m sorry. I should stop doing that anonymously!

  2. Err… sorry, but I fail to see the error, Could you explain it?
    I’m not being ironic, really, it’s just that I don’t see it (and neither did the comixpedia staff member that edited the text, so at least it’s not only me…)

    Hope at least you liked what you saw

  3. You’re not seeing it b/c I fixed it after the guest above posted! You had an “it’s” where it should be “its”

  4. thanks for the congrats!

    And (not harsh) corrections are always supported 😉

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