Daily Grind Update

It’s been over a year now, and there are still a lot of contenders in the Daily Grind contest. The remaining 24 contestants in this endurance contest are:

  1. Lonnie Allen (website)
  2. Joseph Bergin III (website)
  3. Jennie Breeden (website)
  4. Stephen Burrell (website)
  5. D.J. Coffman (website)
  6. Paul Gadzikowski (website)
  7. Jamie Dee Galey (website)
  8. Ali Graham (website)
  9. Edward J Grug III (website)
  10. Brad Guigar (website)
  11. Tim Hulsizer (website)
  12. Matt Johnson (website)
  13. Brandon Lewis (website)
  14. Tyler Longmire (website),
  15. Tom McHenry (website)
  16. Michael Payne website)
  17. Eric Poole (website)
  18. Phil Redmon (website)
  19. Andrew Rothery (website)
  20. R. Smith (website)
  21. Ive Sorocuk (website)
  22. Mike Stevens (website)
  23. Bryan Stone (website)
  24. Jam Torkberg (website)

From a quick glance at the list I’ve bolded those I’m immediately familar with.  That’s 17 creators that I am not sure I’ve read before.  I don’t know if that’s because they’re not that popular, or that good or rather just as likely – more evidence that there are more interesting webcomics out there than anyone can ever possibly write about.

Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.


  1. Uh, I just saw this today and wanted to say thanks for the kind words earlier. You haven't heard of my comics because I'm a nobody who loves making comics and just plugs away. Thank you again.

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