Drunk Duck Bought!; Blog Roundup and Other News

Drunk DuckPlatinum Studios bought Drunk Duck. Platinum Studios held the Comic Book Challenge contest at the San Diego Comicon this summer (which DJ Coffman won). (Both Talkaboutcomics and Journalista had notes on this story this morning.)

Journalista also points an interview between MIT Director of Comparative Media Studies Henry Jenkins and Chicago digital-media consultant Todd Allen on webcomics, micropayments and the migration of comics from print to the Web.

One more Dirk Deppey catch: Irresponsible Pictures comments on a paper by typography theorist Bill Hill on tranferring text from screen to Web, and its relavence to today’s digital-comics debate. (Have I mentioned how much I appreciate the return of Deppey to daily reporting/commentary? Of all of the "comic journalists" I've encountered, he was the first to "get" webcomics)

The BugPowder blog reports on a planned satire of the official 9/11 Commission Report. If you're interested you can check out the first few pages of The 9/11 Report : The Real Version.

We're closing in on 24 Hour Comics Day – there'll be an edition of it at Comica in London, U.K. (full list of locations here).

Is it just me or does the "Little People" art project referenced in this Drawn post beg to be turned into a comic? Or has some webcomic already exploited this artistic angle?

Anyone heard anything from Patrick Farley lately? I wish he had more time/money to make webcomics…

Comic Foundry points to the trailer for the film adaptation of Frank Miller's 300.

Webcomics In Print has a nice roundup of recent webcomic-related books here. Over at the Webcomicker, Gilead Pellaeon notes Scott Kurtz's potential second career at naming menu items. And another webcomics blog calls it quits: this time it's the Kea's Nest.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.