Gulf War II Begins; Webcomics to Follow…

George Bush announced the commencement of military activity against Iraq last night. Iraq is eight (8) hours ahead of Eastern Time (11 hours ahead of the West Coast). Right now, it’s almost 6 PM in Iraq – towards the end of the first day of war.

There will inevitably be comment, both pro-war and anti-war and various shades of grey in between. And there will be cartoons.

If you see a good one, post a link here. Thanks.

Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.


  1. Ok… so it’s an editorial cartoon link & just a bit pre-war…

    I’m curious what this artist’s reaction will be at any rate.

    My normal webcomic for editorial cartoons is:

    It’s interesting how many of the webcomic anti-war strips tend to avoid addressing the actual subject of Saddam’s reign and would rather villify those who, at least on the surface, would appear to be actually trying to do something to stop that particular evil.


  2. As I’ve been actually struggling to find the few pro-war comics…would you mind actually posting the few you are referring to?

    I’ll chalk your opinion up to the “objecting to the war because I just don’t like the President” category. (I see no reason to resort to vulgarity.)

  3. It’s interesting how many of the webcomic pro-war strips tend to avoid addressing the actual subject of American men and women being forced to risk their lives because some spoiled rich kid in the White House wants to wave his private parts around and would rather villify those who would prefer that our honorable (un)elected officials use their brains and listen to the rest of the world when they respectfully request that he stop being an idiot.

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