Happy Birthday, Modern Tales!

Modern Tales, the leading subscription service for professional webcomics, is one year old today! Don’t look for any special fanfare just yet: Joey Manley and company are too busy building new features (and launching new websites) to stop for too long to look back.


Joey Manley

Joey Manley (b.1965–d.2013) was the author of the novel The Death of Donna-May Dean (1992), entrepreneur, and founder of Modern Tales and WebcomicsNation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joey_Manley


  1. Happy B-Day, Joey!

    I, for one, am *VERY* proud of you, son!

    *runs off to go guy you a nice new first baseman’s glove*

  2. .. you know,… the URL in the Modern Tales link is … wrong. 🙂

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