Happy New Years

I’ve been traveling (and still am until this coming weekend) but I thought I’d drop in to wish all a Happy New Year’s, Three Kings Day and other assorted holidays recent and forthcoming.

I saw a lot of comments on 2007’s POW list — much of it disagreeing with part or all of the article. That’a a feature not a bug folks and I suppose the only disappointing thing is how limited the follow-on discussion was in terms of adding names and discussing what you thought was important and influential in 2007. If there’s not much talk from you about comics at comixtalk then there isn’t that much to comixtalk…

Since I’m only on for a bit I’ll offer up an alternative take from Anne@FLEEN (although prefaced by Anne’s comment that Our People of Webcomics 2007 list struck her as "kind of a weird list" which strikes us as kind of a weird comment. Maybe she’ll add a bit more about her thoughts on 2007 in future posts?) — here’s some of the webcomics she thought worthy of name-checking as we head into 2008: Tom Humberstone’s Vented Spleen; Juan Santapau’s The Secret Knots; Natasha Allegri’s Normal Life; Mike Luce’s Fite!; Israel Sanchez’s Saturday; Kelly Vivanco’s Patches; Box Brown’s Bellen!; Bryant Paul Johnson’s Teaching Baby Paranoia; Matthew Reidsma’s High Maintenance Machine; Karen Ellis’s astounding Planet Karen, and Corey Marie’s Scene Language. That’s an interesting list with minimal overlap to any other end-of-2007 list I’ve read but with a few I personally haven’t actually had a chance to read (including Humberstone, Satapau and Sanchez). Like many other lists I think it’s probably best described as a "best webcomics" list as opposed to the more elusive "it-ness" the POW list tries to capture but not a bad place to start if you’re looking for some new webcomic recommendations.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.