Harvey Awards Nominating Ballots Available

* The last batch of Blind Date II updates will go up tonight.

The official Nomination Ballot for this year's Harvey Awards are available here. I've copied in the official press release below (click read more) but first a comment – the Harveys seem to be nominated and final awards granted in the same way as the WCCAs – through a vote of creators in the comics field (webcomics field for the WCCAs). Might there be something the WCCA could learn from the Harveys? Conversations between the respective Executive committees might be productive.

Nominations for the Harvey Awards are selected exclusively by creators – those who write, draw, ink, letter, color, design, edit, or are otherwise involved in a creative capacity in the comics field. Named in honor of the late Harvey Kurtzman, one of the industry's most innovative talents, the Harvey Awards recognize outstanding work in comics and sequential art. They are the only industry awards both nominated by and selected by the full body of comic book professionals.

Professionals are invited to join nearly 2,000 others in honoring the outstanding comics achievements of 2006. Your participation in completing this Nominating Ballot will allow the Harvey Awards Committee to place before you a Final Ballot in late March –one which reflects your candidates for the most outstanding comics work of 2006.

The Harvey Awards are part of the Baltimore Comic-Con, held each year in September at the Baltimore Convention Center. The comic book arts are commemorated with a ceremony and banquet in conjunction with one of the most successful comic-centric shows on the annual convention calendar. The Master of Ceremonies for the night will be the award-winning Kyle Baker.

The dates for this year’s Baltimore Comic-Con are September 9-10, with the convention itself open Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony for the 2006 Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, September 9.

For additional information about the Harvey Kurtzman and the Harvey Awards, visit harveyawards.org.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.