Ignatz Awards nominees announced

Every year at the Small Press Expo, they give out the Ignatz Awards. Unlike the Eisner Awards at SDCC, there’s a whole category dedicated to webcomics in the Ignatz Awards. This year’s nominations can be found at http://www.spxpo.com/ignatzwinner03.htm

The MT family got four out of five of the nominations in the online comics category (serializer got two out of five). Woo!

MT offers hearty congrats to all the nominees, whether they’re part of the MT family or not, though.

(note — you have to scroll down to the bottom to find the webcomics category, but there are artists who work in the webcomics medium scattered throughout the other categories, too — like Derek Kirk Kim, Scott Mills, Roger Langridge, and Jason Shiga).

Joey Manley

Joey Manley (b.1965–d.2013) was the author of the novel The Death of Donna-May Dean (1992), entrepreneur, and founder of Modern Tales and WebcomicsNation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joey_Manley