Jantze announced on the back of the latest edition of his comic book, The Norm Magazine that as of the 10th issue, he will no longer be self-published the comic book. He also solicited proposals from others to publish his work.
More from the back of The Norm Magazine #10:
August 2005: Issue 10, this issue, will be the last of The Norm Magazine published by The Norm.com Publishing. Our original intent was more ‘marketing plan’ than ‘publishing plan’, to put evidence in the hands of comic readers in markets overlooked by a certain syndicate. Paired with the book signings, it was a success.
But now it’s time to focus on creating new stories, both Norm and otherwise, and spend less time marketing old ones. I’ll leave that to another enterprising person.
So, consider this an open call, if you’d like to publish The Norm, feel free to contact Nicole Jantze to discuss your ideas.
Nicole is strip creator Michael Jantze’s wife, and she has been handling the marketing tasks involved with the strip (the notice gives her contact e-mail as nicole@thenorm.com). The comics have been primarily reprints of the strip as it appeared in newspaper syndication, starting with the first 1996 appearances, and it ended with strips from 2000. New matterial is available to subscribers through the website TheNorm.com.
Sorry, folks, I thought I had the grammar corrected before I submitted it.
“…he will no longer be self-publishING the comic book.”
It is ego-gratifying to see that other sites have picked up the post as news, though!