I’m only doing one day of SPX this year (today) which is too bad because it was chockfull of cool people and good comics. I just got home from spending the afternoon there and I’ll have a more "formal" (yes I’m making the air quote with my fingers in my head as I write that word) convention report later this weekend but I thought I’d do a quick post right now.
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First off I can’t believe how many webcomic creators I met in person who I’ve been stalking conversing with for years online. Five Blank Label Comic’rs including Kris Straub, Howard Tayler, Dave Kellett, David Willis and Brad Guigar were there. Joe Dunn, Irv Fabor, Phil Chan, David Malki!, Bernie Hou, Aaron Diaz, August Pollak, Brian McFadden, Colleen Venable, Chris Yates, Nick Gurewitz (who I didn’t actually get to meet as he was surrounded by groupies fans), Neil Fitzpatrick, Box Brown, Tony Esteves, Otis Frampton, Carla Speed McNeil… well now I’m probably going to overlook someone in my stream of conscious effort to recollect things.
I also got to meet fellow webcomic journalist Gary Tyrrell who blogs at FLEEN and he was a cool dude. I like FLEEN (hard to miss that with all the linking I’ve done to it this year and last) and Gary came off a bit like his writing – interesting, enthusiastic, and along with a good sense of humor.
This show turns into my major buying of comics fest for the year – especially for buying things I have no idea whether I’ll love or hate. I picked up Beyond Palomar by Gilbert Hernandez (okay I know I’ll love that), The Couriers #1 by Brian Wood and Rob G., and a ton of webcomics-related books. I also got a few minicomics – the monkeynauts by Sarah Becan and a box set of High Maintenance Machine by Matt Reidsma. David Malki! had a not-comic book called Dispatches from Wondermark Manor, Volume I.
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